The Yoga Sutras & The 8 Limbs of Yoga.

The Yoga Sutras, is a dive into yogic philosophy of the mind & steps to towards self-realisation & enlightenment. 

Though many of us may have come to yoga through the physical practice, through the search for greater mobility & stress reduction, according to the sutras, the physical practice "was primarily designed to facilitate the real practice of Yoga - namely, the understanding and complete mastery of the mind."

The aim of the practice is to liberate us from the mental projections that keep us trapped in suffering, so that we may find liberation; ceasing to be identified with the turnings of the mind, rather finding ourselves to be pure spacious awareness & energy, at one with all.

Many sutras take us through the nature of desire & non-attachment & how our clinging mind keeps us trapped.

Within the sutras we are also introduced to The 8 Limbs of Yoga as a path. Over the next few posts we'll be focusing on one of each of the 8 limbs, looking into how we may incorporate these into our practice & lives. We'll be starting with the Yamas.

1. Yamas - moral principles
2. Niyamas - observances
3. Asana - physical posture
4. Pranayama - control of breath & energy
5. Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses inwards
6. Dharana - concentration
7. Dhyana - meditation
8. Samadhi - superconsciousness or enlightenment


Beginning a Yogic Practice: The Five Yamas.


None of us are truly free until all of us are free.