Beginning a Yogic Practice: The Five Yamas.

The five Yamas are the first of the 8 limbs of yoga, they are generally translated as abstinences, or we could call these moral principles.

The five yamas are:

ahimsa (non-violence/non-harming)
satya (truthfulness)
asteya (non-stealing)
brahmacarya (continence)
aparigraha (non-grasping).

To begin a truly yogic practice, we are called to start to strip away the layers of our ego by abstaining from things which obscure the true nature of our being.

Through these practices, we are able to tap into our full potential in service of humanity, through compassion & a sense of interconnectedness with all life.

To truly practice all five yamas, we are called to examine every thought & action we go through.


Ahimsa: Contacting Compassion.


The Yoga Sutras & The 8 Limbs of Yoga.