Samadhi: The Dance of Liberation

“Will you complete the circle and move from the two into the one and then dance in the two? Will you enjoy the dance of the two?” - Ram Dass

What happens when we lose our sense of “I”? 

Who are we behind the thinking mind?

Last week, we looked at meditation (dhyana). In meditation, we begin to loosen our grip to the ego, decrease activity in the default mode network & touch moments of self transcendence. 

Then, we come down. We continue to identify as “the two”, in other words, we continue to live in the experience of separation, separation from each other & separation from God. 

The monkey mind returns & we find ourselves mentally running from thought to desire to emotion to thought again. With consistent practice we begin to catch ourselves in these cycles & are able to come back from them but at this stage the pattern remains.

Now, in Samadhi, the last of the eight limbs we no longer come down, we have entered “the one”, we live in a state of union with the world & with God. The attachment to thoughts & the physical body dissipates & we enter a state of complete being. 

This is also where language begins to fail us & only experience can give a true understanding.

Samadhi is liberation. Liberation from suffering, liberation from desire & liberation from conditioning. Instead we learn to live within the divine.

Though, upon entering samadhi, normal life does not stop. Instead, the experience of oneness no longer amazes us because it becomes us, the understanding of our true nature is no longer astonishing. 

Now we enjoy “the dance of the two”, we live an embodied life, fully appreciate the time we have here, standing in our power to shine the light for others.


How 2020 gifted me the lesson of impermanence.


Dhyana: Exiting Default Mode.