Expand. Regulate. Liberate.
The Live Immersion.

Expand your capacity and create space to become the one who is able to scale your impact and income past multiple 6-figures with ease ✨

September 24th - 26th
Hosted by Cecilia Ballan

You’ve already created an incredibly successful business and now you’re ready for more.

You’re not the one who sits on their laurels. Consistent growth and expansion are part of who you are.

Yet you’ve come to a point in your business where you feel like you’re limiting your own potential.

You know you could take in more clients and expand into new projects, yet you’re feeling overstretched with your energy and attention focused on sustaining what you already have.

You know it isn’t a shift in systems or strategy that’s going to take you to your next level.

It’s time to expand your capacity and create space so you can become the one who is able to scale your impact and income past multiple 6-figures with ease.

You’re no longer available for the belief that success in business means putting your health and relationships on the backburner.

You’re ready to expand and you get to do it with so much more ease when you expand your capacity to hold it all. 

All while you show up with complete presence for your family and as a leader in your community.

This is for you:

✨ Your business is already successful but you’re feeling overstretched 

✨ You know you could take on more clients and expand into new projects but whenever you sit down to get the wheels in motion, you feel like you don’t have the mental space to fully get it going

✨ Your health took a backseat to your business and you’re ready to shift your priorities 

✨ You set out time to spend with your partner and family, yet find your mind distracted, always feeling like you should be working and doing more. You’re ready to show up with full presence for your closest people.

✨ You know it’s not a team or systems issue that’s going to get you to the next level but a deep shift in how you, the founder, operate day to day to create more mental space.

✨ You’re ready to make spaciousness your default.

Introducing, the SomaSync Identity Integration framework.

Created by Cecilia Ballan and designed to help you create space in your mind, body and nervous system to become the version of you who can hold more ease, income and freedom.

Expand your capacity to hold more. Regulate your nervous system. Liberate your mind and identity from repetitive patterns.

This is SomaSync.

Brought together through a synchrony of somatic techniques, nervous system regulation principles, psychology and yogic philosophy - all seamlessly integrated with yoga, meditation and breathwork.

Working at every level of your being to create lasting change on a deeper identity level so you can expand your capacity and thrive in your business, career and relationships.

Experience the SomaSync method and walk away having created more ease and freedom for yourself, not just during the immersion but to take home with you.

Join Cecilia live for 3 days & experience her signature SomaSync framework:

✨ Day 1: Expand your capacity to hold more.

Create space so you can hold more clients at once, more income, while you welcome in ease. Integrate your insights with a somatic practice to quickly expand your capacity.

Develop laser sharp focus so you breeze through your work and have more free time for yourself. Integrate your insights with a breath practice to regulate your nervous system.

✨ Day 2: Regulate your nervous system.

✨ Day 3: Liberate your mind & identity from repetitive patterns

Achieve your goals with ease as you let go of old patterns and create space in your body, mind & nervous system. Experience a somatic meditation to free yourself from repetitive patterns.

“this has been without doubt the best thing I’ve done in the past 6 months.

Some of the things I’ve learned have been truly life-changing and are techniques I will cherish and continue to use forever.”


“I couldn't believe how relaxed I felt after.

I found that my brain was much more resistant to stressors, and it had no interest in re-engaging with thoughts that had just fully consumed my brain prior.”


Your host

Hi, I’m Cecilia! 👋🏼

Creator of the SomaSync identity integration method.

I’ve been where you are.

I spent years on a rollercoaster of cortisol and nervous system disregulation with high stress. I would constantly push myself to achieve more and despite achieving a lot, I never felt able to fully sit back and appreciate it.

I felt like I was capping my own potential, not only in my work but also in my personal life. I wouldn’t take on as many clients as I knew I could serve and I’d find it difficult to be present in my relationships.

So I went out searching for sustainable ways to manage my stress, what I found was a complete shift in identity. In the SomaSync method I bring to you a synchrony of the most effective techniques and practices I have found to increase your capacity so you can sustainably hold more ease, income and freedom.

Through this layered approach of somatic techniques, nervous system regulation, psychology and embodied yogic philosophy, all seamlessly integrated with yoga, meditation and breath practices, you’ll get to work with your mind, body, nervous system and spirit to create a deeper and more sustainable shift in identity.

Expand your capacity to hold more. Regulate your nervous system. Liberate your mind and identity from repetitive patterns. This is SomaSync.