Welcome to the 5 day Yoga Nidra Meditation course.


I’m so excited to be on this journey with you!

Day 1: Purpose

Welcome to day 1 of this 5 day experience!

Today, we're going to be focusing on the topic of purpose.

In the terminology of yogic philosophy, we could call this our Dharma.  Your purpose or dharma is your deepest calling in life, when you are in line with this you feel as if you are on exactly the right path, it brings meaning to your life.  Alignin…

In the terminology of yogic philosophy, we could call this our Dharma.

Your purpose or dharma is your deepest calling in life, when you are in line with this you feel as if you are on exactly the right path, it brings meaning to your life.

Aligning yourself & your actions with your purpose brings you in line with the greater flow of the universe.

Now to some, this might sound a little 'woo' - but research confirms that when we feel our lives have purpose & meaning + our actions are in line with this, we thrive! Both our mental and physical health are improved.

Similarly, research shows these same results + increased happiness when you you feel you are part of something greater than yourself.

So, what does this have to do with meditation?
To truly live in line with your sense of purpose, all you actions should be nurturing this.

Connecting with your sense of purpose regularly through meditation helps direct & keep your attention focused. Rather than falling back into habitual thought patterns, you now have an anchor to guide you.

What code do you live your life by? What do you stand for?

What are your core values & principles?

If you were to look back over your life, would any themes stand out for you or is there a particular desire that's been guiding you?

Take a few minutes to think over this before writing down. Write this down in the present tense.

For example, "all my actions come from a place of unconditional love and compassion"

Throughout your day, come back and affirm this to yourself, see how this affects your day.